Week 3:
Introduction to Javascript (and Programming)
If you are new to coding: complete this short course: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-to-code-with-blockly/informationals/welcome-to-learn-to-code-with-blockly
HTML vs. CSS vs. JS
Javascript: variables, data types, conditionals, operators, functions, loops, arrays
Local storage, session storage, and cookies and their differences
Write programs using each of them to test your understanding.
Debugging in the browser and JavaScript Debugging for Beginners | Julie Pagano
Read the above once you completed the basics and try debugging any scripts you wrote.
- https://javascript30.com/ - Enroll in this free course and try to complete a minimum of 3 projects a day, to complete the entire course in 2 weeks. Skip the projects including topics that you don't know yet. Cover them in the next week after completing the week's topics.
Important: Store all the projects you do somewhere online. You can use replit, codepen, etc.
- Week 3 Task 1:
For this task, work in groups of 3 - 5 members. Once you complete all the above tasks, drop a message to reveal the task and start working on it.
Try to complete this initial version of the task ASAP. Once you complete it, drop a message in the batch’s group for the next steps.
Note: Only proceed to the below sections after completing the above task.
- Git - Version control systems, branches in git, basic git commands - add, push, pull, fetch, merge.
- Github - Create a GitHub account, use basic git commands to push any of your projects to Github.
- Website hosting Publishing your website - Learn web development | MDN
- Using Github pages, host any website you developed: Deploy Your Portfolio Site to GitHub Pages for Free!
Students need not refer to every resource given. Select any 1/2 resources for a single topic
- [Recommended][https://pythontutor.com/javascript.html#mode=edit](https://pythontutor.com/javascript.html#mode=edit)
Use this website to visualise the JS scripts you write (trying this will be more helpful once you complete looping in JS)
Youtube Videos:
Videos from 100Devs bootcamp: Free Software Engineering Bootcamp - #100Devs - YouTube
Cover the JS videos in the playlist to cover topics for the week
Javascript Courses
Choose 1 - 2 courses to cover this week's topics
- [Free Certificate][Freecodecamp - JS Course ](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/)
- Opentechschool course
- Scrimba course
- Codecademy course
- [Recommended][The Modern JavaScript Tutorial](https://javascript.info/)
- Foundations | The Odin Project - Javascript
- JavaScript Tutorial
- [Recomended][Learn Git interactively](https://learngitbranching.js.org/)
- Git Guide
- Github basics
- Commit Messages | The Odin Project
- Front End - Build a basic website - Git intro section
Weekly Practical Tasks:
Keep these ready at the time of your weekly review
https://github.com/TheOdinProject/javascript-exercises Complete all the exercises and push them to a GitHub repo.
Share your GitHub profile link
Share the link of your website deployed using Github pages
Share link to your Javascript30 projects
Create a simple web page with a dark and light theme. Try to store the users' preference of dark vs light theme using local storage/session storage and cookies. Store the code using these 3 different approaches in 3 files.