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Week 0

Introduction to coding - For Students from a non-tech background.


See the resources section for learning links

Note to students

At this stage, you are not expected to fully understand all the below topics. Don't get overwhelmed if you are confused/don’t understand everything.

Just keep these terms in mind and we can revisit them later, after doing some practical work, in the coming weeks.

Introduction to computers

Intro to web development

Algorithm and Flowcharts


Students need not refer to every resource given. Select any 1/2 resources for a single topic.

Youtube Videos

Try to go through the resources given in the “Assignments” section of the above webpage.

Weekly Practical Tasks

Save the below tasks to a file to show during the weekly review.

Write the algorithm & prepare a flowchart for:

  1. FizzBuzz problem (Lookup the problem on Google)
  2. Input the number of lines as N and print a pattern similar to below:
  • If Input N = 1, print a single“*”
  • If N=3
  • If N=5


Link to sources used for creating this week's curriculum (if any). Students can ignore this section. This section is for the reference of reviewers only.